Biostatistics Services

We provide high-quality, cost-effective statistical solutions to ensure the successful management and delivery of clinical trial data in accordance with your timelines and budget

Our biostatistics services cover:

  • In-vitro and in-vivo bioequivalence studies: standard ABE/ PBE analysis and “what-if” simulation studies
  • Dissolution studies: f2 bootstrap, MSD model dependent and model independent methods, best method/model selection/assessment, justification studies
  • Clinical trials: tabulation, graphical presentations, comparison of means, proportions, odds and risks, linear regression and correlation, logistic regression, Poisson regression, multivariate analysis, survival analysis, etc.
  • Data irregularities/forensics analyses of clinical trials data
  • Advanced ad-hoc studies: Simulation/ Monte Carlo studies, Monte Carlo and randomization tests, bootstrap, outlier identification and analysis, etc.
  • QC/QA reporting requirements: stability analysis, microbiological environmental monitoring, analysis and reporting (air, water, machines), FMEA analysis, DOE, etc.

Why should you use our services?

  • Established statistical expertise
  • Validated SAS programs and procedures
  • Statistical report preparation following our strict standard operating procedures
  • Urgent turn-around times
  • Tailored training in statistics
  • Consultation services geared to the client’s level of expertize

Cair Center has accumulated vast experience in several therapeutic areas including respiratory diseases, allergy, asthma, oncology, gynecology ,etc.

Our primary tasks have been to participate in successful global regulatory submissions by taking responsibility for statistical analysis, data management, and preparation of statistical reports on a timely bases.
Occasionally we participate in meetings at the EMA or FDA and write expert reports. 

Currently, we are participating in several drug development projects aimed at regulatory submissions. 

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